
Вчимо англійську вдома. П'ятий клас. Урок 76. The Weather in Europe.

Мовленнєві зразки уроку:
The weather is going to be sunny in Ukraine tomorrow. – (зе везе із гоуін ту бі сані ін юкрейн тумороу) – Завтра в Україні буде сонячна погода.
It is going to be sunny in Ukraine tomorrow. – (іт із гоуін ту бі сані ін юкрейн тумороу) – Завтра в Україні буде сонячно.

1. Прочитайте листівки. Назвіть міста, у яких знаходяться люди, що їх написали (впр.2, ст147). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

Example: Sarah lives in _______.

1. Dear Erica, I’m so bored here. It’s raining and I’m at the hotel all the time. I keep repeating the rhyme: Rain, rain, go away… But it doesn’t help.
2. Hi, John, We are having a great time here. It’s warm and sunny. We would like to stay here for ever.
Monica and Peter.
3. My dear friends, I wish you were here. It’s snowing but it isn’t cold. Just as you like it.
4. Dear Mum and Dad, I like it here a lot. It’s often foggy. But don’t worry. I won’t get lost.
Your sun Steven
5. Hi, guys, It’s windy today so we are not on the beach. We are visiting these beautiful churches. See you soon.
Taras and Ihor

2. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст, звертаючи увагу на зворот is going to be (впр.3,ст.148). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)
Jane: Shsh! Let's listen about the weather.
Speaker: It
is going to be snowy tomorrow. The weather is going to be cold and frosty in London. Be careful! It's going to be slippery in the city.
Mother: What do they say about the weather, Jane?
Jane: They say we must put our warm clothes on.
Mother: Really?
Jane: Yes, it
is going to be frosty and slippery tomorrow.

3. Складіть речення за зразком: It is going to be sunny in Ukraine tomorrow.

Зворотній зв'язок:
Пройдіть тест за посиланням: Test. The World Weather Forecast

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