
Вчимо англійську вдома. П'ятий клас. Урок 75. The Weather around the World.

Лексика уроку :
climate - klaɪmɪt] – (клаймит) - клімат
to sunbathe - ['sʌnbeɪð] – (санбейз) - засмагати
freezing - fri:zɪŋ] – (фрізін) - заморозок
slippery - [ˈslɪpərɪ] – (сліпері) – слизько 
various - vɛərɪəs] – (вееріес) - різний
heavily - hevɪlɪ] – (хевілі) – сильний (про погодні явища)
outside - [aut'saɪd] – (аут сайд) – надворі

1. Послухайте прогноз погоди та доповніть текст словами: hot and sunny, wet and rainy, cloudy and windy, climates, centigrade, freezing and cold, Rainy days, not very cold, snowing heavily, weather, is like (впр.1,2, ст.145) .  (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)


There are different kinds of _____ all around the world. This is because different places have different _____. Let’s see what the weather _____ around the world today.
England. It is very _____ here at London. The temperature is eighty centigrade. There are only a few people outside. They are holding umbrellas. Most people are watching TV or playing board games at home. _____ are so boring.
Argentina. It’s _____ here in Buenos Aires. The temperature is one hundred eighty centigrade. So, it’s _____. People are walking in the park. A few are having picnics or flying kites.
Canada. It’s _____ here into Ottawa. The temperature is around one hundred and fifty _____. It’s _____. Some kids there are building a big snowman in the street. Other is playing in this snow. He is great fun.
Australia. It’s a _____ in Adelaide today. The temperature is two hundred sixty centigrade. Everyone is at the beach. Most people are swimming and sunbathing. Some are fishing. It is a lovely day. 

2. Прослухайте прогноз погоди ще раз і дайте відповіді на питання.

1 What are people in England doing?
2 What's the weather like in Argentina today?
3 In which country are people swimming today?
4 What's the weather like in Canada today / on February, 8th?
5 Why is the weather different in various places?

3. Прочитайте, перекладіть текст та дайте відповіді на питання (впр.3, ст.146). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)
Winter in England
The weather in England is not very cold. Sometimes it snows. But usually it rains in winter. That is why Englishmen usually don't wear warm coats. They have got raincoats and umbrellas.
1 Is the weather usually very cold in England in winter?
2 Does it often snow?
3 What do Englishmen usually wear in winter? Why?

4. Складіть діалоги за зразком (впр.4b, ст146) (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

- What's the weather like in Kyiv?

- It is cloudy in Kyiv. The temperature is zero degrees centigrade. 

Зворотній зв'язок:
Пройдіть тест за посиланням: Test. The Weather around the World. 

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