
Вчимо англійську вдома. П'ятий клас. Урок 86. Outdoor School

1. Прослухайте аудіо записи
Частина 1.

Частина 2.


2. Доповніть речення (впр.3, ст. 169). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

1 Outdoor school was_____
2 Food was sometimes _____
3 Cathy liked mushrooms but she didn't like _____
4 Rock climbing looks_____
5 There were many_____
6 Cathy's forest plants instructor was_____
7 Instructors were strict only_____

3. Виберіть правильний варіант (впр.5, ст.169). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

1 The pupils were up at 6 am / 6 pm.
2 It was cold / warm early in the morning.
3 The cabins were really hot / warm.
4 Clothes helped Cathy to feel happy / warm.
5 The whole week the weather was very nice / really bad.
6 Cathy would / wouldn't like to go there again

4. Дайте відповіді на питання (впр.6, ст.169). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

1. When were you up in the morning?
2. Was it cold early in the morning?
3. Where the instructors strict?
4. What was your favourite activity?
5. Would you like to go there again?
6. Was it good at outdoor school?
7. What was the weather like?
8. How many instructors were there?
9. Was the food good?

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