
Вчимо англійську вдома. П'ятий клас. Урок 72 - 73. The Weather

Лексика уроку (нова і на повторення):
Weather - [ˈweðə] – (веза) - погода
Sun - [sʌn] – (сан) - сонце
Sunny - [ˈsʌnɪ] – (сані) - сонячний
Wind - [wɪnd] – (вінд) - вітер
Windy - [ˈwɪndɪ] – (вінді) - вітряний
Cloud - [klaud] – (клауд) - хмара
Cloudy - [ˈklaudɪ] – (клауді) - хмарний
Rain - [reɪn] – (рейн) – дощ, іде дощ
Rainy - [ˈreɪnɪ] – (рейні) - дощовий
Snow - [snəu] – (сноу) – сніг, іде сніг
Snowy - [ˈsnəuɪ] – (сноуі) – сніжний
Frost - [frɔst] – (фрост) - мороз
Frosty - [ˈfrɔstɪ] – (фрості) - морозно
Fog - [fɔɡ] – (фог) - туман
Foggy - [fɔɡɪ] – (фогі) - туманний
Storm - [stɔ:m] – (стом) – шторм, буря
Stormy - stɔ:mɪ] – (стомі) – штормовий
Warm - [wɔ:m] (вом) - тепло
Chilly - [ˈtʃɪlɪ] – (чілі) - прохолодний
Hot - [hɔt] – (хот) – жаркий, гарячий
Cold - [kəuld] (коулд) – холодний, холодно
Wet - [wet] – (вет) - вологий
Degrees centigrade - [dɪˈɡri:z ˈsentɪɡreɪd] – (дігріз сентігрейд) – градусів за Цельсієм
Forecast - [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] – (фокаст) – прогноз погоди
To expect - [ɪksˈpekt] – (ікспект) - очікувати
To report - [rɪˈpɔ:t] – (ріпот) - повідомляти
The North - [ði: nɔ:θ ] – (зе нос) - північ
The South - [ði: sauθ] – (зе саус) - південь
The West - [ði: west ] – (зе вест) - захід
The East - [ði: i:st] – (зе іст) - схід

Мовленнєві зразки уроку:
What is the weather like today? – (вот із зе веза лайк тудей) – Яка сьогодні погода?
The weather is sunny. – (зе веза із сані) – Погода сонячна.
It is sunny. – (іт із сані) – Сонячно.
What was the weather like yesterday? – (вот воз зе веза лайк єстедей) – Яка була вчора погода?
The weather was cloudy. – (зе веза воз клауді) – Погода була хмарною.
It is cloudy. – (іт воз клауді) – Було хмарно.

1. Послухайте звуки та здогадайтесь, про яку погоду вони свідчать. Складіть речення за зразком: It is _____.

2. Потренуйтеся складати діалоги за зразком.
- What is the weather like today?
- The weather is _____.
- It is _____.
- What was the weather like yesterday?
- The weather was _____.
- It is _____.

3. Слухайте і читайте текст (впр.1b, ст.142) (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)
This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.
London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.
It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.
In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.
Let's see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful — 22 degrees centigrade.
The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snow storm.
And now let's see what the weather will be tomorrow…

4. Заповніть пропуски словами snow storm, foggy, cloudy and windy, rainy and wet,  sunny and warm (впр.1а, ст.141) (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)

5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Дайте відповіді на питання (впр.3, ст. 143). (by Oksana Karpyuk's textbook)
Hi, Taras,
Well, spring officially starts in March, summer in June, autumn in September and winter in December. But sometimes we have weather from each season all in one day. Because English weather changes so often, there is always something to talk about. A remark to a stranger about the weather such as “Not a very nice day, is it?” can often lead to an interesting dialogue. Even poets talk about the weather. For example, the great poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) once said, “I like the weather, when it is not raining. That is, I like two months of every year.”

1. When does summer officially start and finish in Britain?
2. Why do people in Britain talk about the weather a lot?
3. How can you start a talk with a stranger?
4. Which months do you think the great poet Lord Byron liked best?

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